Border collie chasing canada geese
By: Marci HowerNovember 8, 2024

How a Mild Winter Affects Canada Geese

Are geese hanging out at your site longer than normal? Our weather patterns appear to be changing, and geese habits are changing along with it. For instance, we typically do not see our first goose nest until mid-March, however last year we found goslings in Columbus, Ohio in February. It’s not unusual to have mild spells during the winter, but the more it occurs and the warmer temperatures get, the more Canada geese will adapt. And the more troublesome it becomes for property owners trying to protect their sites from damages caused by Canada geese.

Mild weather keeps the water flowing and the grass accessible, which keeps the food sources available to the local wildlife. The occasional snowfall will not deter geese, as they will dig down through the snow to get to the dorment grass in the mild winters. This climate change is changing the migratory patterns of geese with many opting to stay in the north during winter.

Resident geese typically stay in our area through the winter, but if the water doesn’t freeze, there is no reason for the migratory geese to leave as they normally do each fall. A dependable year-round supply of food and water will keep the geese numbers high this winter.

What can you do to get rid of geese on your property in the winter?

  • First, remove all pond aeration systems that prevent the water from freezing. The frozen water means you have cut off the water supply to the geese.
  • Secondly, consider putting down a chemical repellent like Flight Control before the first snow fall. Since the grass is not cut regularly, the repellent will remain effective throughout the winter and remove this food source as well from the geese.
  • border collie harrassing geese Lastly, continue to harrass the geese that migrate or reside on your property. Do not let them get too comfortable. Continual harassment is better than the occasional chase. The geese must be trained that there is a predator on site, and our border collies are the best solution to getting rid of the geese.

At Ohio Geese Control we have a multi-prong approach to managing geese populations. It is not one tactic that works alone, but a combination of tactics that are customized to your needs. These tactics are based on the time of year, how you use your property and the unique features of your site.

Contact Ohio Geese Control Today

Our Migratory Bird Specialists and Dog Handlers develop programs to keep the geese off of your property. We service clients in Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus and Toledo. With a track record of over 20 years of success and client satisfaction, we know we can get rid of the geese on your site every day of the year. Contact us at 877-914-3373 for a customize quote.


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