Let’s Work Together
We are looking for dog-lovers that love the outdoors to help us safely and effectively remove geese from properties around Ohio. We know what you’re thinking. Is this a “thing?” You bet it is. Here are some of the things geese can do:
How It Works
What you’ll do in the morning is to check your schedule list, pick up one of our trained border collies, then drive one of our “goose mobiles” to the locations on your assigned route. Once there, you’ll walk the dog the entire property, engage the geese as trained with your “already-expert” partner. You and the dog will get a lot of exercise.
What’s great about how we work is that there is an amazing flexibility in terms of time, time-of-day, “clocking-in or out,” or monotonous drudgery. Each day is different, each dog is amazing and special, and each assignment can offer new challenges and opportunities.
Job-Type Stuff
Yep, we pay money for this. As such, we have a couple of things we have to say. We offer hourly wages and you will work a couple days a week. You must have a valid driver’s license with a good driving record. We will train you on how to work with the dog, understanding the geese, and safety around goslings. Once you are through training you will be certified in nuisance wild animal control.
Oh yeah, by the way: our co-workers have varied backgrounds, some have never owned a dog before in their lives. We’re very flexible about your level of engagement with the dogs, and will work with you on whatever level of involvement you want. One requirement — you must love dogs 🙂